LINQ to SQL and multiple aggregate columns

The following very simple T-SQL query will return the average value for all values in the Rating column:

SELECT AVG(Rating) AS AvgRating FROM CarRating;

Doing this in LINQ to SQL is quite trivial; The Average method returns the average from the numeric sequence:

var avgRating = Ctx.CarRatings.Select(x => x.Rating).Average();

The problem:

In the following example, we select an additional aggregate to get the maximum value of the whole Rating column in addition to the average:

SELECT AVG(Rating) AS Average, MAX(Rating) AS Maximum FROM CarRating;

In this case however, writing a LINQ to SQL equivalent is not that easy, one option would be splitting the query in two LINQ sentences. This is the most readable way to express what we want (and I like that), but hits the database twice and in some circumstances, specially if your table is big, you may not be able to live with that.

var avgRating = Ctx.CarRatings.Select(x => x.Rating).Average();
var maxRating = Ctx.CarRatings.Select(x => x.Rating).Max();
// Voila

The hack:

I refused to believe that there is no -good- way to express this simple SQL sentence in LINQ to SQL without hitting the DB twice. The only solution I have found so far, and the intertubes seem to agree, is to use a group by clause in the sentence. You would say; group by what? Well… that’s exactly the problem, it does not really make any sense, but if you group by a constant (!)…

var ratings = Ctx.CarRatings
                 .GroupBy(uselessConstant => 0)
                 .Select(r => new
                      Avg = r.Average(x => x.Rating),
                      Max = r.Max(x => x.Rating)
// Voila (WTF!)

This works, but remember that good code is readable code, naming the .GroupBy() lambda with something horrible like uselessConstantThatAllowsSelectingTwo-AggregateColumnsWithoutHittingTheDbTwice, is better that breaking the WTF-o-meter in a code-review or future maintenance. A comment may also be opportune in this case, perhaps even a link to this post ;)

Any comments or thoughts are welcome! Specially if you have a better way to solve this.


About Iván Stepaniuk

I have been creating software for more than twenty years in a wide variety of stacks, languages and platforms. I advocate Software Craftsmanship and the Agile Manifesto, this has been a great motivation and helps me to continuously reinvent myself as a better developer that makes better quality software.

See my about page

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